Monday, June 27, 2016

Daniel Dulaney
Pendleton District, S.C.

Based on research from a Xerox copy given to Sue Lambert of an unpublished typescript
written by Mildred Dulaney of Mart, Texas, about 1985.

How we are related:
Daniel Dulaney (1750-1825)
Thomas Dulaney (1782-1829)
Gilbert Dulaney (1811-1862)
Elizabeth Buenvista Dulaney Brewer (1848-1935)
Holland Nathaniel Brewer (1871-1950)
Ina Beatrice Brewer Johnson (1900-1978)
Marion Allan Johnson (1923-1998)

Daniel Dulaney, whose parents are unknown*** (see note 3 below), was born about 1750, place unknown, and died about 1825 in Alabama, probably in Jefferson or St. Clair County. He married about 1775-1779, probably in South Carolina, Priscilla, said to be Priscilla White, born about 1755 in South Carolina according to the 1850 census of Benton County, Alabama, (849-839), where she is listed as age 95.  Priscilla probably died soon after this census, but no grave has been found for her or her husband Daniel. Her parents are variously identified, but unproven.

In both the 1840 and 1850 Census Priscilla is listed in the household of John Perry and his wife Rachel Dulaney Perry. Rachel Dulaney is often listed as Priscilla's daughter, but it is more likely that she is her granddaughter (speculated to be the daughter of Baker Dulaney by a first wife who died) who raised by Priscilla (even after Baker married Sebret Harrison).  If birth years are close to accurate, Priscilla would have been 58 at the time of Rachel's birth.  ***(see note 2 below)

1840 US Federal Census

1850 US Federal Census

This entry in the Pendleton County Court Minutes seems to link the Dulaney and White families:

The South Carolina Magazine of Ancestral Research
Number 1, Winter, 1980
Pendleton County Court Minutes (Continued from Vol. 7, p.180)

SCMAR, Vol. VIII, Winter 1980, No. 1, p.58
20. Solomon White vs Richd. White. Pro. & Ass. Da £ 25 12 summond'd Danl. Delancy for Pltff.

Daniel Dulaney was a farmer in the area between the Tugaloo and Keowee Rivers which was claimed by both Georgia and South Carolina until the Beaufort Convention of 1787 gave title to the area to South Carolina. Some records on Daniel Dulaney are therefore found in both states.

Daniel served in the War for American Independence.  For those desiring to join the Daughters or Sons of the American Revolution, his Ancestor Number can be found on the DAR website:

Three books give reference to Daniel Dulaney’s service in the American Revolution:

1) Georgia’s Roster of the Revolution, compiled by Lucian L. Knight, Baltimore, Genealogical Pblshng Co., 1967
Page 64 – “Delany, Daniel – Certificate of Col. E. Clarke, 2nd Feb 1784. Entitled to a bounty of
250 acres.”
Page 71 – “Delaney, Daniel. Certificate of Col. E. Clarke, 25th March 1784 that he is entitled to a
bounty, and prays for 250 acres in Washington County.”
(see certificate below)

2) Revolutionary Soldiers’ Receipts for Georgia Bounty Grants, issued by the Georgia State Department of
Archives and History, 1928, Foote and Davies Company, Atlanta, GA.

Pages 63, 64 – “Daniel Delaney – Two Hundred & fifty acres #740-E. Clark Colo. – Nicholas
Long, Jr. for Dan’l Delany”

3) Annals of Georgia, Important Early Records of the State, abstracted and compiled by Caroline Price Wilson. Vol. 1 Liberty County Records and a State Revolutionary Pay Roll. Reprinted 1969, Georgia Gen. Reprints.

Page 166 – “August 15, 1785
The United States, Dr. to Colonel Elijah Clarke’s Regiment of Wilkes County Militia
doing duty in other states during the British usurpation in the year 1780 & 1781 …
The United States to Sundry person, viz. …
To Daniel Delany, for provisions, £12-15”

Daniel Dulaney lived for many years in Pendleton District, South Carolina, in the area that later became Oconee County. Deeds for Pendleton District are found in the courthouse of Anderson County.

His name is first seen in a land grant from 1784 regarding 640 acres on Congaree Creek in the Orangeburg District of South Carolina.

Another entry is found in Pendleton District SC Deeds 1790-1806 by Bettie Willie, pg 91:

The first deed found was dated 15 August 1794, though he lived there before that date, being listed in the 1790 census of Pendleton District. Mesne Conveyance Book C-D on page 360 records the purchase by Daniel Delaney for £15 of 100 acres on a branch of Choestoe Creek on 15 August 1794 from William McCaleb.
The next page, 361, shows two purchases of land by Daniel Dulaney, the first on 10 October 1795 from Joshua Lee for £60 354 acres lying on a northwest branch of Choestoe Creek, waters of Tugaloo River, bounding SW by land laid out to William McCaleb.
The second deed on page 361 is dated 4 December 1795 between Jacob Holland, Junior, of Abbeville County and conveys for £62 200 acres lying on a small creek of Connoross water of Savannah River. All three of these deeds were recorded 18 December 1797.
A fourth purchase of land is recorded in Mesne Conveyance Book C-D on page 467 and conveys 200 acres of land situate on Conneross for $200.00 from Thomas Shanklin of Abbeville County to Daniel Dulaney, dated 4 February 1799 and recorded 19 February 1799. Hannah Shanklin gave up her dower rights.
The land purchased by Daniel Dulaney in these four deeds totals 854 acres, but deeds where he sold land total only 460 acres. In Deed Book E, page 169 (Anderson County, S.C.) Daniel Delaney sells for $150 100 acres to Jonathan Crittington on 18 September 1797 and recorded 13 February 1800. Daniel Dulaney signed by mark.
Deed Book F, page 76, shows the conveyance of 50 acres of the tract purchased from Thomas Shanklin to Joseph Smith for $150 the land lying upon Coneross on a small creek that goes by the name of Fullers Creek. This sale was dated 16 September 1799 and recorded 27 October 1800.
The final sale, Deed Book O, page 12, was apparently made just before Daniel Dulaney moved away, for it was dated 5 November and recorded 14 November 1817. This sale was to William Carson of land on Fullers Creek, water of Coneross, for 310 acres and was signed Daniel (his X mark) Dulany, Sen’r with William Dulany and Baker Dulany as witnesses. Priscilla Dulany, wife of Daniel, relinquished her rights, and also signed by mark.
(See also: Pendleton District, S.C. Deeds, 1790-1806, compiled by Betty Willie, Easley, South Carolina : Southern Historical Press, c1982)

Apparently Daniel Dulaney lived in Georgia as well as in South Carolina. Early Records of Georgia, Volume Two, Wilkes County, (abstracted and compiled by Grace Gillam Davidson, reprinted 1968 by the Rev. Silas Emmett Lucas, Jr., Vidalia, Georgia), gives a tax list for 1785. On page 24 in the List of Taxable Property of Inhabitants of Capt. Walker’s District is listed Daniel Delaney – 1 poll, 200 acres Wilkes Co., 287½ acres Franklin Co. Property in Georgia was rendered in the county of residence, regardless of where the property lay. However in 1785 Franklin County extended across the Tugaloo River into present day South Carolina.

Daniel Dulaney is found in the 1790, 1800, and 1810 census of Pendleton District. Sometime after signing the deed in 1817 he and his family moved to Alabama. It is thought that he is one of the males over 21 in the household of his son Baker in the 1820 census of St. Clair County, Alabama.

1790 US Federal Census

1800 US Federal Census
1810 US Federal Census

Children of Daniel Dulaney and Priscilla White

The children of Daniel Dulaney and Priscilla White were named by a granddaughter as William, Baker, John, Rachel who married a Perry, and Daniel. As far as the recollections and memory of this granddaughter, Mary Alice Dulaney Klaus, have been proven they have been accurate, but incomplete. For example, in one family she named three children, but census records show seven more children than she named. In naming the children of Daniel Dulaney and his wife Priscilla, the same thing seems to have happened, for census records indicate far more children than the five named.

It is doubtful if all these listed in the census are children of Daniel and Priscilla. By 1802, the estimated birth date of Daughter V, Priscilla was about 47 years of age and it would seem that her child-bearing years were over and her family complete. The younger children in the 1820 census were not the children of any of Daniel’s known children, but could have been the children of Daughter I or II. It is believed by descendants of Rachel and others that Rachel was actually the daughter of Baker Dulaney by a first wife who died.  Even after Baker married Sebret Harriston, Rachel remained with Priscilla, but Baker was always living close by.  (See note 2 below)

Below is Mildred Dulaney's guess work of who some of these unknown children might be:

Daughter I – (Possibly Disproved Conjecture?) *** (see note 1 below) Isabella b. 26 Feb 1785, m. Samuel C. Born 19 Dec 1905 and had several children, including Daniel Delaney Born, b. 26 August 1813. Isabella d. 15 Dec 1852 in Gwinnett Co., Georgia.

Daughter II – name unknown, m. ____ Rice, possibly son of Charles Rice of Pendleton District. William Rice, b. ca. 1833 SC is listed in the household of John Dulaney in 1850 in Itawamba, Mississippi.

Daughter III – Mary m. ____ Hickman. Mary Hickman, aged 60, b. SC in household of Alfred Dulaney in 1850 census of Itawamba Co., Mississippi. She was about the right age to be his aunt. One Hickman researcher has found a William Hickman, born 1792, wife’s name unknown.

Daughter IV – no clue

Daughter V – Elizabeth m. Allen Goodwin in Jefferson Co., Alabama 17 July 1826, by Anderson
Robertson, J.P., Baker Dulaney bondsman.

1830 Census of Jefferson Co., Alabama, pg 102, #539:
Allen Goodwin, 1 m under 5, 1 m 20-30, 1 f under 4, 1 f 20-30
                        1840 Census of Talledaga Co., Alabama:
                                    Elizabeth Goodwin, 1 m 10-15, 1 f under 5, 1 f 5-10, 1 f 20-30
1850 US Census, Alabama, Talladega, Talladega Dist., pg 877 (438B)1234-1264
Goodwin, Elizabeth 52 f SC
                                    Ira 21 m AL Laborer
                                    Rachel 19 f AL

Female VI – Sebret m Jordan Peters 9 October 1827 by A. Robertson, J.P., Jefferson Co., Alabama. 1st
Marriage Book, p. 311. In Jefferson Co. Orphans Court Record 1826-1829, p. 278, Suit No. 582.
Jordan Peters and wife vs. Baker Dulaney, 20 July 1829; Plaintiff dismissed suit and defendant
agreed to pay costs. There is a Jourdan Peters in 1830 Tuscaloosa Co., Alabama, census, age 20-30 with no wife. Whether Sebret had died and this was her husband is not known. Correspondence with Peters researchers indicates there were several men named Jordan Peters.

Female VII – Unidentified.

Joel? – b. 1804. There is a Joel Dulaney in the 1850 Yalobusha Co., Mississippi, census living with Daniel
Dulaney, b. about 1820, who is probably Daniel Calhoun Dulaney, b. 1816. Mrs. Joel Nelson Dulaney said Daniel Calhoun Dulaney had a brother or uncle for whom he named his son, Joel Nelson. So it is possible Joel was the son of Daniel and Priscilla Dulaney, or he may be the one called Joseph, son of William in the notes.

Definite and Probable Children of Daniel Dulaney and Priscilla White

William Dulaney, b. 16 Aug 1780; d. 1862?; m. (1) Rachel Jones (2) Susanna Fuller
(3) Jane (Jennie) Hobbs

Thomas Dulaney, b. ca. 1782; d. 13 Dec 1829 in Fayette Co., Alabama; m. Rhoda Thrasher in 1802 in
Pendleton District, South Carolina

John Dulaney, b. ca. 1784; d. after 1850; wife unknown

Baker Dulaney, b. ca. 1790; d. before 28 March 1864; m. Sabret Harrison

Daniel Dulaney, b. ca. 1798; d. after 1850; m. Sarah Ann McCurley

Priscilla Dulaney, b. ca. 1799; d. 1870-80; m. James Truss

? Rachel Dulaney, b. ca. 1813; d. ? ; m. John Perry *** (see note 2 below)

Transcribed, edited and enhanced by Sue A. Lambert

* * * * * *

1. Daughter I - My research has shown that the Isabella who married Samuel Born was the daughter of other parents and is not the Daughter I of Daniel & Priscilla Dulaney.

2. Rachel Dulaney - On my tree I have listed Rachel b. 1813 as the daughter of Baker Dulaney b. 1790 as this seems logical considering the reasoning of respected Dulaney researcher Melba Straigis and other descendants of Rachel and John Perry.

Daniel Dulaney and Baker Dulaney - Alabama
Posted by: Melba Lambert Straigis (ID *****1775) Date: November 11, 2004
In Reply to: Re: Daniel Dulaney and Baker Dulaney - Alabama by Michael Lucas
Mildred Dulaney was a dear friend of mine. We had corresponded for several years plus - even did some genealogical field trips together back in the 1960's , mainly searching for the parents of Daniel Dulaney of Pendleton. I do know that most researchers had figured that Rachel was a daughter of Daniel and Priscilla, but, it is a simple case of arithmetic. Priscilla was all of 58 years of age in 1813 when Rachel was born (way past her birthing years) We had been spending so much of our time hunting Daniel's parent's that I guess we all just accepted the names of children as given to us by that family's descendants. I have learned in my 40 plus years of researching that mistakes can be made there also. It was thought by many that Baker had never married before Sabret because of his widowed mother, but I believe that he had married once and had Rachel, lost his wife and raised his daughter with the help of his mother. Rachel was a teenager when her father married Sabret Harrison in 1827 and probably continued to live with Priscilla until she married John Perry. By 1850, Priscilla was living with Rachel and her family. next to Baker and E.C.'s families. Rachel had named her first son, "Baker". (after her father?) Remember that Baker was a good deal older than his wife, Sabret. I believe that my great, great grandmother, Priscilla Dulaney, born 1799, was the last child of Daniel and Priscilla who was about 44 years old at the time of that birth.

There is a male child living in the Perry household in 1840, but he would not be a son of John Perry and Rachel Dulaney, as he was born before their marriage. He could be a son from a previous marriage, son of another relative, or someone living with them for another reason.

3. Parents of Daniel Dulaney

Re: Daniel Dulaney,m Priscilla White, late 1700's S. C.
MelbaStraigis74 Posted:6 Jul 2001 1:32AM GMT
Surnames: Dulaney, White, Truss, Lambert
It was thought by some in years past that the Daniel Dulaney, b 1750 in Md. and died in London 1825 was the husband of Priscilla White, but in truth, that Daniel was a son of the Hon. Daniel Dulaney of Md.. He was a British sympathizer, as was his father. He was sent to school in London. He never returned to America but once after that to visit his brother who was a friend of George Washington. They rode to the hounds with George on that visit (Diary of George Washington) Daniel then returned to London and stayed there. He never married. I do believe the Daniel Dulaney of Pendleton SC who married Priscilla White and raised a large family in SC was related to the Maryland branch. Possibly a son of his brother, Thomas Dulaney, b 1689, and wife Ann. But that remains to be proven.

3b. Maryland Historical Magazine Article

Maryland Historical Magazine, 1918, Volume 13, Issue No. 2, pg 155,
on the website of the Maryland Historical Society
201 West Monument St.
Baltimore, Maryland 21201-4674

3c. The Hagey families in America and the Dulaney family
Salt Lake City, Utah : Filmed by the Genealogical Society of Utah, 1997
physical: on 1 microfilm reel, ill., coat of arms, facsims., ports., 35 mm.
Daniel Dulaney the Younger and Rebecca Tasker -
  1. Daniel Dulaney 3d., b. 1750, Annapolis, Md.; d. unmarried, Aug. 12, 1824, in Downing Street,
    London, England.
Proof that the Daniel Dulaney who married Priscilla White cannot be the same Daniel Dulaney who was the son of Daniel Dulaney the Younger and Rebecca Tasker and died unmarried in London, England

see document below ...

Note:  Census Records are from

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